
Product decorative labels are vital to a company’s marketing mix and ultimately, to its sales. A well-executed and well-designed label helps a product stand out on crowded storeshelves.
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Squid Ink’s SQ-Laser marking systems are the company’s first laser solutions designed for high speed food and beverage, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and other primary coding applications; they can permanently mark onto paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, wood, coated metal, leather, and more.
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Lincoln Laser, in association with SPI Lasers UK Ltd., offered a live demonstration of a MOPA laser working in tandem with a high speed Polygon scan head at Laser World of Photonics in Munich.
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By today’s standards, packaging is not only defined as some material used to enclose a product to the consumer. The packaging, in addition to the product, is now like a representation of the company, and therefore the company must treat...
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